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Baby Designed by God

Baby designed by God

by Dr. Amanda Hess & Dr. Jeremy Hess

Baby designed by God

Setting the record straight on birthing, pregnancy and raising healthy children

Baby designed by God is a book that will empower and enlighten mothers and fathers from all backgrounds and belief systems that our bodies were wonderfully and magnificently made and have the ability to heal and be whole from the inside-out. Baby designed by God is an in depth explanation of why and how the body heals naturally, how parents and their children can benefit from living naturally and understanding common medical and pharmaceutical pit falls to be aware of during pregnancy, birthing and infanthood. Through revealing and dramatic birth stories that will be intertwined throughout the book, including both of Dr. Amanda's home-births, it will increase the reader's knowledge, perspective and faith on the subject of hospital and home birthing options.

Baby designed by God will also take on the tough, yet increasing public awareness of topics like vaccination, alternative health care vs. standard medical care for babies and toddlers, natural whole organic foods vs. foods engulfed with hormones, antibiotics and toxins. In depth explanation of why and how the body heals naturally, how parents and their children can benefit from living naturally and making simple lifestyle changes and common medical and pharmaceutical pit falls to be aware of during pregnancy, birthing and infanthood are discussed throughout the book. Baby designed by God has a reference and resource section covering topics ranging from common natural remedies and foods for children and pregnant mothers, an index of health and birthing books and movies and a printed online reference directory for further study.

Our purpose and objective of writing "Baby designed by God" is to help break in what we believe to be a "medical and pharmaceutical" stronghold on the American public. In one of its chapters, the book portrays the staggering statistics of how sick our culture is and the frightening dilemma of the failing healthcare system. Baby designed by God pulls the blinders off of any uninformed health consumer who desires or dares to know the truth about natural God given methods of pregnancy and childhood.

Drs. Amanda & Jeremy Hess founded and currently operate the busiest chiropractic practice in the state of Georgia and one of the busiest in the world. They are both members of the Georgia Council of Chiropractic, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, International Federation of Chiropractors & Organizations, National Vaccine Information Center and lifetime members of the International Chiropractors Association. They are married and live in Lake Spivey, Georgia with their 2 children, Alyssa and Gabriel.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Expecting a Miracle
Chapter 2: Emerging Emergency
Chapter 3: Fear, Faith and Freedom
Chapter 4: Chemical Soup
Chapter 5: Food, the "Real Thing"
Chapter 6: Food Designed by God
Chapter 7: Green Your Baby
Chapter 8: Correcting the Cause
Chapter 9: Our Stories
Chapter 10: A Different Lens
Chapter 11: Premature Birth to an Early Grave
Chapter 12: Giving Hope of a Better Way
Resourse Guide
