Medical Kidnapping eBook
Medical Kidnapping
A Threat to Every Family in America
From the Editor:
If you live in the United States of America today, and you have children in your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping.
Something as simple as bringing your child to the local emergency room to care for an injury or sickness puts you at risk for being accused of medically abusing or neglecting your child, and having a doctor direct a social worker to remove the child or children from your custody by force.
Medical kidnapping is defined as the state taking away children from their parents and putting them into state custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family.
In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with “medical abuse” and losing your children.
In this book we will introduce you to dozens of families who have had their children medically kidnapped, and we will explain why this is happening to thousands of families all across America today.
Every family living in the United States today is in danger, facing medical tyranny and the state-sponsored kidnapping of their children.
What Others are Saying:
Tammi Stefano, Executive Director of National Safe Child and host of the National Safe Child Show:
This book forces the reader to question the safety of children in America. Health Impact News exposes the power Child Protective Services Agencies have to remove children from loving and safe parents.
If a child gets sick, if a parent questions the diagnosis of a medical professional, if a parent requests a second opinion, that family runs the risk of losing their child.
This is a serious violation of the civil rights and liberties to raise your child, yet it is happening everyday, in every state across America.
The mainstream belief that Child Protective Services “CPS” only protects children in abusive situations or homes is clearly false.
The compilation of factual stories in this book clearly exposes the danger families face. The battle parents must endure to save their children will shock you.
The family unit, once the foundation of this country, has become endangered.
Thank you Health Impact News and Medical Kidnap for your passionate work and insightful book!
Ann-Marie Murrell, Co-author What Women Really Want and Editor/Publisher PolitiChicks.com:
Imagine your family doctor telling you your child needs emergency surgery but you say you want a second opinion. Then imagine government workers coming to your home and forcibly taking your child away from you.
Sound like an impossibility in America?
Think again, because as Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family In America chronicles, this happens far too often.
Thank you Health Impact News for bringing to light an issue that has mostly been in the dark.
Cailin James, Founder of The Humanitarian Alliance:
In this ambitious work, Health Impact News endeavors to expose the threat of medical kidnapping, how this phenomenon is occurring, where, and what can be done to end this tragedy.Health Impact News bases their investigations and conclusions on detailed examinations of case records and on an in-depth analysis of the system that is creating them.
In these accounts, they find evidence of deeply flawed practices that compromise the safety and well being of children and families.The analysis should be mandated reading for social workers, family court professionals, judges, and GAL’s.
Until that time, thank you for shining a bright light on this dark horror for the children of today and the future of American families! The focus on child welfare reform must be preservation of the family and enforcement of constitutional parental rights.
Table of Contents
AcknowledgmentsChapter 1 – Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Child in America Today
The Godboldo Family of Detroit
The Nikolayev Family of Sacramento
The Rider Family of Kansas City
Justina Pelletier and Boston Children’s Hospital
Family of Amish Girl Who Fled the Country to Avoid Forced Experimental Chemo Tells Their Side of the Story
Child Taken Away from Parents for Medical Reasons Dies in Foster Care
Mother Forced to Give Son Chemo, Even Though He is in Remission
State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child
Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches
MedicalKidnap.com is Born
The Diegel Sisters of Phoenix
Medical Kidnapping Family Stories by State
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
1st Amendment Rights: Making the Public Aware of the Medical Kidnapping Issue
Child Trafficking in the United States: A Huge Business
Chapter 2: Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials
There is a Shortage of Children for Drug Research Studies
CPS Violates Parental Consent and Freedom of Speech
CPS Collects Federal Funds for Trafficking Children
CPS and Medical Kidnapping
CPS Does Not Help Families, But Destroys Them
Congresswoman Spoke Out Against CPS Abuses Before her Murder
It’s Now All about “What is Best for the Child” – Not the Family
U.S. House of Representatives Investigates Medical Trials of Foster Children
Congress Knows Children are being Abused in the CPS System
Advocates for Parental Rights Blow the Whistle on Drug Trial Abuses
Conclusion: CPS and Doctors are Kidnapping Children for Medical Research
Chapter 3: Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?
New Pediatric Subspecialty: the “Child Abuse Pediatrician”
Children’s Hospitals Build Entire Teams focused on Child Abuse
Child Abuse is Not A Medical Diagnosis, but a Legal Accusation
Multiple Ethical Concerns for Child Abuse Specialists and Teams
“Defensive Doctoring” Leading to Families Wrongly Accused?
Child Abuse Pediatricians a Self-fulfilling Prophecy?
Video Surveillance Violates Privacy Rights, Heightens Antagonism
Families Irreparably Damaged, Reputations and Jobs Lost, Children Emotionally Devastated
Chapter 4: From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?
Childhood in Ancient Times often ‘Nightmarish’
Western Europe Leads World In Care for Children
‘Parens Patriae’ Establishes Government as “Ultimate Parent”
Charitable Groups and Local/State Involvement
A New Idea: Children Belong to Society First, Not Family
Pediatrician Spotlights Abuse, All States Required to Establish CPS
Warnings Surface Over Unlimited Powers of Government Child Protection
The Modern, Federally-Funded CPS State Is Born
Federal Focus Shifts from Family Reunification to Adoption
The State Owns Your Children: The Ever-Expanding Arms of CPS and Parens Patriae
CPS Continues to Assert New Reasons for Child Removal
Parents Without Clear Rights – CPS Can Regulate and Control Almost Anything
Chapter 5: Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?
The Bill of Rights
Due Process of Law – Criminal Justice
Is it Legal to Forceably Remove Children from Their Parents Against their Will?
Why is Due Process of Law Not Followed by Child Protection Services?
Attorneys are Fighting Back
Advice to Parents and Families: Know Your Constitutional Rights!
How Do We Define Parental Rights?
Two Case Studies
Who Will Stand up for Parental Rights?
Chapter 6: A Tribute to Senator Nancy Schaefer – Exposing State-sponsored Kidnappings
One of Nancy Schaefer’s Last Interviews
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services
Available for immediate download.
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