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The Coming 5G Catastrophe: Can it be Stopped Before Many Are Injured or Killed? eBook
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The Coming 5G Catastrophe: Can it be Stopped Before Many Are Injured or Killed? eBook

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The Coming 5G Catastrophe:
Can it be Stopped Before
Many Are Injured or Killed?

by John P. Thomas
Editor, Brian Shilhavy

When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults.

Microwave radiation such as that currently being used in cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and smart meters has already been linked to numerous health effects.

The introduction of even more intense levels of microwave exposure at higher frequencies will push many people into life-threatening chronic illness. High frequency microwave radiation is often overlooked as a causative factor in illness, because most conventional healthcare providers, government regulators, telecom companies, and electric utilities believe microwave radiation used in communication technology is harmless.

Despite the warnings being raised by scientists, well informed healthcare providers, and grassroots organizations about existing and future microwave hazards, telecom companies are planning to implement 5G technology throughout every urban area in America.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Telecom Companies are Going Green, but Their Version of Green Will Cause Illness and Death

The Battle to Implement 5G Has Begun in California

Health Dangers of Microwave Radiation have been Well Documented

5G Microwaves have Harmful Biological Effects

AT&T: Let Us Install Microwave Transmitter on Your Home or Lose Service

California Legislators Consider Bill to Allow More Microwave Radiation

Urgent Call to Action for Californians

Why do Telecom Companies Want a 5G Network? The Merging of Telecommunications with Electric Utilities

Smart Meters and Smart Appliances: Your Home is no Longer Private

Is it Green or Just a Way for Corporations to Make More Money and Control Our Lives?

There are Serious Health Risks Beyond the 5G Hype

Microwave Radiation Produces Cellular Disruption Even if it is Not Felt

Final Question: Is the Technology Worth the Harm to Our Health and Loss of Privacy?


Chapter 2: Smart Meters: Countdown to a National Crisis of Illness and Death

Smart Meters are Coming to Every Neighborhood in America

Which Utility Companies Use Smart Meters?

Utility Companies are Lying About How Often Smart Meters Broadcast Microwaves

Smart Meters More Dangerous than Cell Towers and Other Devices

Real World Examples of Illness Caused by Smart Meters

Let’s Take a Closer Look at How Smart Meters Affect the Human Heart

Smart Meters Radiate into Both the Air and Into Electrical Wiring

Smart Meters Can Push People Over the Top to Electromagnetic Radiation Illness

How Do Frequencies Harm Health and Why isn’t Everyone Sick?

Healing from Microwave Radiation – Success with Autism

Conclusion: Smart Meters are a Huge Threat to Our Lives


Chapter 3: Can New 5G Technology and Smart Meters Be Used as Weapons?

The Focus of This Chapter: How 5G and Smart Meter Technology Could Be Used as Weapons

Beams of Microwave Radiation Used as Weapons

5G Cell Towers Also Direct Microwave Beams at People

5G Cell Towers use Antenna Arrays to Create a Microwave Beam Which Locates Nearby Devices

The Military Uses Fixed Array Antenna Systems to Track Satellites – See Through Walls

Watch a Fixed Array Antenna System Steer a Beam at a Target

Basic Facts that Explain How the 5G System Could Be Used as a Weapon

Putting the Facts Together – Potential Outcomes of 5G Technology

Weapons Don’t Have To Kill to Cause Harm

Could 5G and Smart Meters become Lethal Weapons?

Security Risks and Further Invasions into Our Privacy

Conclusion: Civil Liberties Threatened by 5G Technologies

Chapter 4: New Smart Meters and 5G Technologies Can Be Used to Intercept All of Your Private Data

It Seems that There’s Always a Way to Break Computer Security

Intercepting Data on Highly Secure Air-Gapped Computers

How Could These Programs Get into an Air-Gapped Computer and On To a Cell Phone?

Cell Phones and Smart Meters are Tools for Invading Privacy

Smart Meters are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking

Smart Meters are Black Box Devices

Using 5G and Smart Meters to Harm Human Health and Control Our Minds

Isn’t the Government Going to Prevent Abusive Use of 5G and Smart Meters?

Conclusion: Your Private Data is not Safe


Chapter 5: 5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death

Eleven More Cities Targeted for 5G Deployment this Year

The Safety of 5G Has Not Been Tested

New Research Reveals Harmful Effects of Cellular Systems

Harmful Effects are Cumulative

A Million or More New 5G Towers will be Erected in American Cities

Telecom Companies Hold the Upper Hand on 5G Tower Placement

How Harmful is 5G? Can We Stop It?

Documented Health Dangers Linked to Microwave Radiation Exposure

Long-term Microwave Exposure Equals Extreme Harm

3 to 5 years of Microwave Exposure

5 years or more of Microwave Exposure

Russian Studies Revealed Microwave Harm Long Before the FCC Adopted Its Regulations

Videos Explain the Harm of 3G, 4G and 5G

The FCC Says we have Nothing to Fear

Public Entities that Delay 5G Implementation can be Sued

Telecom Companies Seek State Regulations to Give Them Even Greater Freedom!

Some States are Not Caving in to Telecom

Summary: Are Technological Advances such as Driverless Cars and Instant Downloads of Movies more Valuable than Increases of Disease and Premature Death?


Chapter 6: Public Waking Up to Fact That 5G Has Not Been Proven Safe for Human Health

5G Phased Array Antennas will Shoot Beams of Radiation at People and Equipment

Don’t Worry – the FCC Says it’s Safe

Background on 5G and other Radio Frequency Health Risks

Radiation from 2G and 3G Cellular Systems is Associated with Cancer in Male Rats

Pediatricians are Concerned About Childhood Exposure to Wireless Radiation

Members of Congress Question the FCC about 5G Safety

5G from Space

What Happened When the First Satellite Phone System Was Turned-on?

What Should We Expect When the 5G Ground and 5G Satellite Systems Are Turned-On?

Conclusion – Thinking about the Future


Chapter 7: 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

5G Will Use Phased Array Antennas To Shoot Beams of Radiation at Cell Phones

5G Phones Will Be Much More Powerful Than Previous Phones

Why is 5G So Much More Dangerous than Previous Microwave Communication Systems?

5G Satellites Will Fill the Skies

Ground-based 5G Implementation

Satellite Based 5G Implementation

Environmental Catastrophe from Rockets Used To Launch Satellites

Mercury-based Rocket Fuel Could Spread Neurotoxins Over the Earth

Space Junk will Pollute the Earth

Telecom Companis are Creating a Worldwide Disaster in the Name of Technological Progress

There is Nowhere to Hide from 5G Radiation

Cities Can’t Say No to 5G Implementation

Can 5G Implementation be Stopped?


Chapter 8: Will Nanotechnologies and the New 5G Network Become the Most Powerful Weapon System the World Has Ever Seen?

Will Nanotechnologies and the New 5G Network Become the Most Powerful Weapon System the World Has Ever Seen?

Clean and Neat

Former Catholic Nun Sister Keri Burnor Targeted for Death through Nanotechnology 

There is Much More Behind Her Story Than a Sexual Assault 

Keri Burnor Became a Targeted Individual Marked for Death

Psychological Evaluation

Additional Attempts on Her Life

How can Nanotechnology Become a Weapon Against the General Public?

Smart Cities Will Be the Command Center for Human Control

How Is This Possible? – How Will This Be Accomplished?

Nano Particles Don’t Behave Like Larger Particles

Three Phases of Development Leading to Smart City Control Over Human Life

Exposure to Nano – It Cannot Be Avoided

Putting the Pieces Together

Self-Repairing and Self-Reproducing Technology

Ultimately Everyone Could be Targeted for Activation

New 5-G Documentary

Countermeasures Designed to Overcome the Newest Weapon System


Chapter 9: Will Driverless Cars Cause DNA Damage and Cancer?

DAS Technology: Computers Take Over – Privacy Gone

From DAS to Driverless Cars – More Microwave Exposure

Cars Trap “Microwave Smog”

Microwave Smog Affects Bicyclists and Pedestrians

Microwave Smog Penetrates Homes, Storefront Businesses, and Offices

Prototypes of Self Driving Cars Still Use Human Safety Attendants – But Accidents Still Occurring

New Government Mandate for Vehicle to Vehicle Wireless Communication on the Back Burner

Recommendations When Buying a Car

Conclusion: Driverless Cars do NOT Lead to More Freedom and Healthier Lives – They Lead to More Health Risks and Loss of Privacy


Chapter 10: Weaponizing 5G and Nanotechnology: How Do We Protect Ourselves?

Protecting Yourself from Nanotechnology and Frequency Radiation

This is the Problem with Nanotechnology in a Nutshell

The Precautionary Principle is being Ignored by Government and Industry

National Nanotechnology Initiative

Are Government Agencies Convinced that Nanotechnology is Safe?

Assessment of Nanotechnology Risks beyond Government Oversight

A Handful of Researchers Continue to Ring the Early Warning Bell about Nanotechnology

Removing Nanotechnology from the Body

Limiting New Exposure to Nanotechnology

Specific Guidelines Concerning Food

Specific Guidelines Concerning Water

Coming Up in the Next Chapter


Chapter 11: How can We Protect Ourselves from 5-G and Nanotechnology?

Key Question: Does Nanotechnology Really Exist?

Key Question: Does Nanotechnology Act like a Pseudo Lifeform?

Key Question: Can I See Evidence of Nanotechnology?

Key Question: What is the Relationship between 5-G and Nanotechnology?

Key Question: How can We Protect Ourselves From 5-G and Nanotechnology?

Can Minerals Protect us from Nanotechnology and Frequency Exposure?

What About Taking Herbs for Protection?

Deactivating the Programming of Nanotechnology

The Anti-Nano Bucket and the Anti-Nano Triangle

How do These Devices Deprogram Nano?

What Are the Changes that People Experience When Using These Devices

How Many Times Does a Person Need To Do the Bath Before There Are Results?

Making Anti-Nano Devices

What About Detox Kits? – Do They Word for Nano?

Protecting Yourself from 4-G, 5-G, Wi-Fi, and Other Wireless Equipment

Does Holding a Piece of Shungite or Putting a Sticker on a Cellphone Protect Us?

What about Bed Canopies Designed to Block Frequencies?

What About Protecting Ourselves From 5-G?

What About Protective Clothing?

Conclusion – “Smart Cities” Need “Smart People”


Chapter 12: Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

Are Telecom Giants Influencing U.S. Government to Override Local Opposition to 5G?

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