Today's Rapidly Growing Infertility Problem eBook
Today's Rapidly Growing Infertility Problem
The U.S. fertility rate is at an all-time record low. Are we watching the leading edge of a slowly moving tidal wave of infertility? What is causing the current generation of adults of childbearing age to become infertile? What can be done about it?
In Part I John P. Thomas looks at some of the scientific research concerning environmental factors and lifestyle choices that contribute to the high rate of infertility in America. One out of every six couples in the United States is infertile.
In Part II, John discusses practical steps that infertile couples can take to prepare themselves for conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child. He shares recommendations from physicians and researchers who support the use of lifestyle changes to bring about pregnancy for couples who are having difficulty conceiving.
These suggestions are intended as alternatives to medical and pharmaceutical approaches for overcoming infertility. The use of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is the medical system’s approach for treating infertility. ART has high costs and serious risks, which many couples do not realize.
Table Of Contents
Introduction 4
Section 1 – Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation? 5
Scientists Identify Numerous Causes of Infertility 6
Sorting Through the Confusion of Scientific Words 7
Fertility Rate is Different than Prevalence of Infertility 8
What is the Media saying about the Rate of Fertility? 9
Prevalence of Infertility 13
Environmental Toxic Exposure and Infertility 16
Vaccines and Infertility 21
Conclusion: Infertility is a Huge Problem Plaguing Modern Society 24
References to Section I 26
Section 2 – Overcoming Infertility Naturally Without Drugs 30
What is Assisted Reproductive Technology and is It Safe? 31
Does the Use of ART Cause Birth Defects? 32
What are the Alternatives to Assisted Reproductive Technologies? 34
Root Causes of Infertility 37
Cleaning the Toxic Load from Your Life and Your Body 38
Suggestions Concerning Pesticides in Your Environment 39
Suggestions Concerning Pesticides in Your food 40
Suggestions Concerning Pesticides in Your Water 42
Suggestions Concerning Plasticizing Chemicals 43
Suggestions Concerning Smoking and Air Pollution 44
Suggestions Concerning Formaldehyde and other Chemical Additives in Cleaning Products 45
Suggestions Concerning Solvents 46
Suggestions Concerning Doing a Home Makeover 47
Suggestions Concerning Pharmaceutical Drugs and Vaccines 48
Suggestions Concerning Coffee, Alcohol, and other Recreational Drugs 49
Suggestions Concerning Toxic Exposure at Work 50
Making Lifestyle Changes 51
Suggestions Concerning Your Weight 51
Suggestions for How to Lose Weight 53
Suggestions Concerning Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices 55
Suggestions about Sleep 56
Suggestions Concerning Alternative Health Practitioners 57
Suggestions Concerning Prayer 58
Waiting after Making Lifestyle changes before Trying to Conceive 59
Conclusion 60
References 63
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