The New Child Abuse Pediatrician: Doctors become Prosecutors eBook
The New Child Abuse Pediatrician:
Doctors become Prosecutors
Editor, Brian Shilhavy
This book is a compilation of over 5 years of research and publishing on MedicalKidnap.com, part of the Health Impact News network, covering the topic of Child Abuse Pediatricians, and their role in medical kidnapping.
Contributing Authors
Terri LaPoint
Terri LaPoint is a co-founder of MedicalKidnap.com. Terri is a labor doula, childbirth and breastfeeding educator, and assistant midwife. She holds a B.S. in Cultural Anthropology/World Missions with a minor in Behavioral Science from Toccoa Falls College. She is a homeschool mom, speaker, and writer, married to the love of her life for more than 20 years. She is a passionate defender of freedom and endeavors to be a voice for the voiceless.
Monica Mears
Monica Mears holds a Master’s in Journalism from Regent University and writes professionally in a broad variety of genres. She has worked as a senior manager in public relations and communications for major telecommunication companies, and is the former Deputy Director for Media Relations with the Christian Coalition.
Allie Parker
Allie Parker is a Family Advocate and mother. She is a surviving victim of a false Child Abuse Pediatrician’s accusation.
Dr. Viera Scheibner (PhD)
Dr. Viera Scheibner is Principal Research Scientist (Retired) with a doctorate in Natural Sciences from Comenius University in Bratislava. After an eminent scientific career in micropalaeontology during which she published 3 books and some 90 scientific papers in refereed scientific journals in Australia and overseas, she studied babies’ breathing patterns with the Cotwatch breathing monitor developed by her late husband Leif Karlsson in the mid-1980s. Babies had alarms after vaccination, indicating stress. This introduced her to the subject of vaccination. She then started systematically studying orthodox medical papers dealing with vaccination issues. To this day she has collected and studied more than 100,000 pages of medical papers.
Brian Shilhavy
Brian Shilhavy is the founder of Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com. He has a BA in Bible and Greek from Moody Bible Institute, and an MA in Applied Linguistics from Northeastern Illinois University.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Going to the Children’s Hospital? Bring Your Lawyer.
New Pediatric Sub-specialty Appears to Correlate with Recent Epidemic of Medical Kidnappings
New Pediatric Sub-specialty: the “Child Abuse Pediatrician”
Children’s Hospitals Build Entire Teams focused on Child Abuse
Child Abuse is Not A Medical Diagnosis, but a Legal Accusation
Multiple Ethical Concerns for Child Abuse Specialists and Teams
“Defensive Doctoring” Leading to Families Wrongly Accused?
Child Abuse Pediatricians a Self-fulfilling Prophecy?
Video Surveillance Violates Privacy Rights, Heightens Antagonism
Families Irreparably Damaged, Reputations and Jobs Lost, Children Emotionally
Chapter 2: Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
Child Abuse Pediatrics: The “Science” of Arrogance
High Risks for Hurting Families: Ambiguous Clinical Situations Lead to Accusations
Medical Child Abuse Numbers on the Rise
Child Abuse Pediatricians – Ethically Bankrupt
Arrogant Disregard for Specialists
Multiple Conflicting Roles of CAPs Strain Objectivity
Discounting Community Professionals Who Know the Family
Misplaced Trust: Other Professionals Abdicate Responsibility
Pseudo-Science of “Shaken Baby Syndrome” Demonstrates Flaws in Child Abuse Pediatrics
Child Abuse Pediatrics and SBS – Riddled with Biased Opinion, Flawed Science
“Religiously Fanatic” Pediatric Professionals Resist New Findings
Uneven Distribution of SBS Cases Nationwide Demonstrates Unequal Justice
Accountable to No One – No Legal Recourse for Innocent Families
Searchable Database of State Child Abuse Programs by State
Chapter 3: Pediatric Child Abuse “Experts” are NOT Experts in Anything
Defense Lawyers, Prosecutors Spar over Hospital’s Agreement to Help Prosecute Cases
The Agreement Explains Things
Child Abuse Doctors – Working for the Prosecution
Ethics Concerns in Child Abuse Investigations
Child Abuse “Experts” – NOT Experts in Anything
Finding “Child Abuse” Motivated by Funding, not Actual Abuse
Many Innocent Parents Accused by Child Abuse Doctors
Conflict of Interest Should Be Disclosed
Social Workers and Judges Duped by Child Abuse Specialists
Shouldn’t Child Abuse Specialists Be Required to Read “Miranda Rights” to Parents?
Outside of the Corrupt Family Court System, Judges are Increasingly Throwing out Child Abuse Convictions if Opposing Medical Testimony is Not Presented at Trial
Chapter 4: Child Abuse Pediatricians: Exposing Their Role in Medical Kidnappings to the Public
We The People
Chapter 5: Elite Medical Doctors Seek to Control the Media and Public’s Perception of Child Abuse Specialists
The Helfer Society Wants to Educate Media
More on the Helfer Society Agenda
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Policies Serve to Endanger, Not Protect, Children
Chapter 6: Has the U.S. Become a Medical Police State? How Doctors Deny Due Process to Kidnap Children Through CPS
“The Battered-Child Syndrome”
Other Medical Conditions Rejected by Kempe and His Followers
Circular Reasoning
CPS Established as Result of Doctors’ Assertions
There Has Never Been Complete Consensus with Child Abuse Doctors’ Interpretations
Using X-rays to “Prove” Child Abuse
Conclusion: How Much Longer will Society Allow Doctors to Have the Power to Kidnap Children and Destroy Families?
Chapter 7: History of Shaken Baby Theories Exposed: How an Elite Group of Pediatric Radiologists Started Medical Kidnapping in the 1940s
Dr. John Caffey Established His Breed of Doctors as “The Experts” in Child Abuse –
in the 1940s
Caffey’s Junior Assistant Discovers “Unrecognized Skeletal Trauma”
Dr. Edward Neuhauser
Exclusive Group of Pediatric Radiologists Is Formed
Society Gives Rise to “The Battered-Child Syndrome” Landmark Paper
X-Rays Have Never Told the Whole Picture
It Goes Back to Funding and Power
Chapter 8: Attorney: Child Abuse Pediatricians Aligned with Child Protective Services Destroy Innocent Families
Reforming the Use of Child Abuse Pediatric Teams in Child Protective Case
The Rise of Child Abuse Pediatrics and Alignment with State Authorities
Wrongful Convictions Raise Questions
Addressing Legal and Ethical Issues
Chapter 9: Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to “Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System”
Losing in the courts, the medical system is trying to fight back
Chapter 10: American Academy of Pediatrics’ Failing Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnoses: Use Tyranny When Science Fails
General Consensus Does Not Equal Proof or Fact
Chapter 11: Vaccine Induced Scurvy and Shaken Baby Syndrome
Scurvy and Vaccination
The history of vaccines causing scurvy. Many parents falsely accused of inflicted injury—the infamous shaken baby syndrome
Chapter 12: World Renowned Neuropathologist has Career Destroyed for Disproving Shaken Baby Syndrome
World Renowned Neuropathologist has Career Destroyed for Disproving Shaken Baby Syndrome
Other Professionals Agree with Dr. Squier – Consider SBS Theory “Junk Science”
Are the General Medical Council Members Qualified to Rule on SBS, or Was This Simply a “Witch Hunt”?
Supreme Irony: Dr. Squire to Receive “Champion of Justice Award” from 69
Organizations Around the World
Parents Exonerated from Crimes they did not Commit Speak Out
Chapter 13: Dr. Squier Wins Appeal but Banned from Telling the Truth in Court about Shaken Baby Syndrome
Dr. Waney Squier Wins Her Appeal but Banned from Telling the Truth in Court
Over Three Hundred Doctors, Scientists and Lawyers Write Letter of Protest
Dr. Squiers’ Win Tinged with Sadness
Never Question Authority
Three Leading Pathologists Accuse Police of Smear Campaign
Chapter 14: Common Childbirth Practice Could Lead to Later False Diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Cytotec and Other Risks for Brain Injury
Even Normal Birth Can Result in Shaken Baby Symptoms
Medical Heresy to Question Shaken Baby Doctrine
Circular Reasoning
Once Abuse Is Mentioned, Doctors Stop Looking for Other Causes
More Information about Shaken Baby Syndrome
Chapter 15: Study: Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis Lacks Scientific Evidence – Leads to False Accusations of Child Abuse
SBS Diagnosis Lacks Scientific Evidence
Shaken Baby Syndrome as a Diagnosis
A Typical Scenario
Increased Awareness of Criteria for Diagnosis of Abuse
Diagnosis of Child Abuse Varies by Region
While Accusations Increase, Fewer Parents Are Shaking Babies
Tens of Thousands of Innocent Parents May Be Incarcerated for False Accusation of Abuse
See stories of families impacted by allegations of Shaken Baby Syndrome:
More Information about Shaken Baby Syndrome:
Chapter 16: Study: In 96% of Shaken Baby Syndrome Cases Analyzed Infants Had Metabolic Bone Disorders
Causes of Brittle Bone Disorders
Child Abuse Pediatricians: A Medical Profession Dependent on Finding Child Abuse
Chapter 17: New Proposed Federal Law Would Make it Easier to Medically Kidnap Children by Doctors
Chapter 18: Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents
Trapped, Like a Dolphin in a Net
Risk Factors Identified by AAP
Military Service Targeted as “At Risk”
Explanations that Trigger Abuse Suspicions
Injuries that Trigger Abuse Suspicions
Once a Doctor Says Abuse, They Stop Looking for Medical Causes
Irony – AAP President Says Separation Is Abuse
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