Book - Unlocking The Mysteries of Creation - Dennis Petersen
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation
by Dennis R. Petersen
How's Your Foundation?
- Confused about all the conflicting views in both allopathic healthcare and natural/alternative health?
- Does science really prove that man evolved from lower life forms?
- Does archaeology really show that "primitive" man was ignorant, brutish, lived in caves, and was a "hunter-gatherer?"
- Is agriculture a "modern" invention in human history, and have we reached the height of agricultural technology in the 21st century?
- Is there one major theory of history and origins that has been forced upon most of us through our educational system? Does this theory, usually presented as fact, have any real validity?
- Does the past really have anything to teach us, or are we the most technologically advanced people to ever live?
This book will answer these questions and many more, as you learn things that are not being taught in mainstream education or the media. Do a "foundation check" on your knowledge of the past, and see how this foundation in your thinking might be affecting the way you live in the present, and the way you view the future! A life built upon a cracked, faulty foundation will eventually fail!
The Most Comprehensive and Easiest Book to Understand on Creationism Today!
Experience an awesome journey of discovery! This unique treasury of historic and scientific knowledge puts life-changing keys in your hands to understand our world and its amazing past. 240 pages of beautifully designed photography and artwork amplify the engaging text. This book will help you discover the scientific accuracy of the Bible; unveil the fallacies of evolution; and build unshakeable confidence in God's Word. Designed to help people build a trustworthy Biblical worldview, it introduces a vast treasure of faith-building resources.
This is one of the most user-friendly and comprehensive introductory books ever published on the subject of Biblical creation!
Discover the true roots of Man's Past!
Unlike most other books on Creationism, this book takes an astounding look at man's past to see just how advanced ancient civilizations were. You will learn that ancient technologies such as those that built great pyramids and other structures in Egypt and other places are lost to us today, and that instead we have built a fragile society that is lacking in traditional skills and dependent on complex modern technologies that make us vulnerable to diseases, pollution, wars, terrorism, and natural disasters.
We have become dependent on "high tech" specialized experts that need a steady supply of exotic resources to keep everything running smoothly.
Table Of Contents
Section 1 Unlocking the Mysteries of the Early Earth |
Section 2 Unlocking the Mysteries of Evolution |
Section 3 Unlocking the Mysteries of Original Man |
Section 4 Unlocking the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations |
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Let's get this valuable, deception-busting information to everyone we can!
Huge Bonus! This amazing CD ROM also includes a dynamic feature length multi-media seminar with audio narration about the age of the earth. It's titled "When Did It All Begin?" This program is one of the most graphically rich slide shows ever produced for Christian educators. It is deeply committed to the inerrancy of Scripture. The scientific insights are profoundly compelling.
Every student who hears and watches this program will be forever changed! They will never be able to honestly say they do not know that evolution's millions of years concept is built on falsehood and deception.
Another Amazing Bonus! Your introductory visit to the world's first virtual Providence Discovery Museum is included on this CDROM. You will see deeply thought-provoking features including sample exhibits from the four main Halls of the forthcoming Virtual Museum.
* Current edition works best when PowerPoint software is running on the host computer.
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