Book - The Miracle of Fasting, by Paul Bragg
The Miracle of Fasting
by Paul and Patricia Bragg
Fasting – The Safe, Perfect Cleanser
Of course, if you are loaded with toxic poisons, fasting will flush these poisons out of the body and you will feel a little uncomfortable, but these are momentary experiences and should cause no concern. This means only that fasting is working for you. You know you are fasting to purify the body of the accumulated toxic poisons and waste. When you feel uncomfortable, you can say to yourself, "This is only temporary. This will pass as soon as these old toxins are flushed out of my body." And what miracle rewards you'll receive for the small, temporary discomfort you may have experienced.
Your eyes become brighter and all the natural senses of the body seem to be sharper! After a fast, your food tastes better – the fruits and the vegetables taste so marvelous, because of your newly revitalized taste sense! Your body seems to be tireless and you will sleep like a baby after a fast. There are so many rewards from a fast that only a person who has actually fasted can truly realize the great benefits that are achieved.
Don't Be a Slave to Foods
Most humans are slaves to foods; they must have breakfast, lunch and dinner at regular meal hours every day, year in and year out. They eat whether they are hungry or not, and their poor bodies are burdened by overeating...and usually poor nutrition as well! No wonder we have so many physical wrecks! One of the greatest nutritional teachers in the world, Professor Arnold Ehret, said, "Life is a tragedy of nutrition." How true is the old trite saying, "Man digs his grave with his knife and fork!" Many people never give their stomachs a rest. They continually stuff and work the digestive and eliminative functions with an overabundance of food. This excessive burden means that the functions of digestion and elimination become so overworked and so exhausted that they simply collapse. The entire body then becomes enervated! Millions suffer from fatigue.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Miracle of Fasting
- Helps You Enjoy a Super Charged, Healthy, Happy, Long Life
- Bragg Motto – I Love Life and I Want to Live!
- Unhealthy Lifestyle Killing Millions Worldwide!
- Sickness is a Crime Against Your Body – Don't Be a Criminal
- Life Can Be a Happy and Joyous Adventure
Chapter 2: What is the Miracle of Fasting?
- What is the Most Significant Discovery of This Modern Age?
- Fasting Conserves Energy – Your Vital Force
- We Live in a Poisoned World
- The Big, Filthy Sewer in the Sky Above Us
- Rivers, Lakes & Oceans Becoming Polluted
- Fasting – The Key to Internal Purification
- Poisons from Chemical Pesticides & Sprays
- Fasting Aids in Flushing Deadly Poisons from the Body
- Health Menace – Waxed Fruits and Vegetables!
- Synthetic, Toxic Food Additives Can Kill
- Salt Causes Edema, Kidney Problems, etc.
- What Salt Does to Your Blood Pressure
- Why Cows are Given Large Amounts of Salt
- Americans Are Salt-a-holics!
- Death Valley Hike Proved Salt Dangerous
- Fasting De-Salts Body Cells and Organs
- Fasting is the Great Cleanser and Purifier
- Do You Have Harmful Habits You Must Overcome?
- Fasting – The Key to Super Energy
- Fasting – A Natural Instinct and Great Purifier
- Jesus, His Disciples and Many Great Teachers Fasted
Chapter 3: The Enemy Within Our Bodies
- Rid Yourself of Depression
- Unhealthy Lifestyle & Overeating are Killers
- Why Not Enjoy Life to 120?
- Outwit Acidosis that Affects Millions
- Raw Fruits and Vegetables Are Mother Nature’s Miracle Cleansers
- Your Mind Must Control Your Body Perfect Balancer – Apple Cider Vinegar
Chapter 4: Fasting Fights Deadly Acid Crystals
- Toxic Acid Crystals Can Cement Your Joints to Make You Stiff
- How Toxic Acid Crystals Build in Your Body
- Back Pains – The Curse of Mankind
- Fasting for Purification
- Victory Won By Fasting, Diet and Exercise
- Mother Nature Works Slowly, But Surely
Chapter 5: Scientific Fasting Explained
- Fasting is as Old as Man
- Fasting Awakens the Mind and Soul
- The Biblical Patriarchs Fasted
- Fasting – The Safe, Perfect Cleanser
- Don’t be a Slave to Food
- Plan Your Fasting Program Today
- Your Mind Must Rule Your Body to Fast Successfully
- No Breakfast Plan is Best
- Healthy Eating Habits Keep You Youthful
- Americans Love to Eat Socially!
- Keeping Internally Clean is Critical
- Are You Ready to Fast, Detox and Get Healthy?
- Juice Fast – an Introduction to Water Fast
- Some Powerful Juice Combinations
- The 70% Watery Human
Chapter 6: Why I Drink Only Distilled Water!
- Hard Inorganic Minerals Cause Problems!
- Millions Drink Rain (Distilled) Water
- Distilled Water is Best for Your Health
- Ten Reasons to Drink Distilled Water (list)
Chapter 7: How Long Should One Fast?
- Shorter Fasts Are Better and Safer
- Why Should You Fast?
- Great Benefits From Short and Long Fasts
- Fasting Appreciated Worldwide
- Pre-Cleanse For Better Fasting Results
- Here is My Fasting Program – Which I Recommend
- Breaking Health Laws – You Pay the Price!
Chapter 8: How to Break a 24 Hour Fast
- Follow These Instructions Carefully!
- Your Kidneys – The Miracle Organs
- A Swiss Doctor Was My Human Savior
- Keep Your Meals Healthy and Simple
- The Vegetarian Diet is Healthiest!
Chapter 9: I Fast 7 to 10 Days, 4 Times a Year
- Here’s the Path to Perfect Health!
- Fasting Balances Your Thermostat Naturally
- Mother Nature Intended the Body and Breath to Be Sweet
- Unhealthy Lifestyle Causes Chronic Fatigue
- Fasting Pulls Out Toxins and Poisons
- Fasting Promotes Healthy Elimination
- How to Conduct a 3 Day, 7 Day & 10 Day Fast
Chapter 10: How to Break Long Fasts
- How to Break a 7 Day Fast
- How to Break a 10 Day Fast
- The Ideal Elimination Program
- Vegetarianism Versus Meat Eating
- Eliminating Meat is Safer & Healthier
- Seven of My Beloved Teachers
Chapter 11: Your Tongue Never Lies
- The Body Can Take a Lot of Abuse
- Learn to Read Your Tongue's Message
Chapter 12: Just Grain and Bear It
- Don't Live to Eat – Eat to Live & Be Healthy
- Give the Vital Force a Chance to Clean House
Chapter 13: Fasting Fights and Removes Mucus
- American Diet Forms Mucus and Illness
- Mucus Shows Up in the Urine when Fasting
- Winter Miseries? Or Body Cleansing?
- Take the Mucus Test
- Breaking Bad Habits Through Fasting
- Deadly Smoking Facts! (list)
Chapter 14: Fasting Melts Away Pounds!
- Fat is a Burden and Health Risk!
- Fasting Rewards You with Increased Energy
- Your Waistline is Your Lifeline & Dateline!
- Fasting – A Challenge to Improve Your Health & Looks
- Do These Exercises Daily
Chapter 15: How to Gain Weight by Fasting
- Miracles Happen With Fasting!
- Fasting is a Weight Normalizer
- The Doctor of the Future (graphic)
Chapter 16: Fasting Fights Winter Miseries
- Fast and Rest For Your Healing!
- The Body is Self-Healing & Self-Repairing
- Premature Ageing (graphic)
Chapter 17: Outwit Premature Aging
- Take This Quiz and The Mirror Test
- Recharged, So at 70 World Tennis Champ
- The Opportunity of Your Lifetime
Chapter 18: Fasting Keeps the Arteries Young
- You are as Old as Your Arteries
- Shocking Heart Facts About the #1 Killer
- What You Eat and Drink Becomes You
- Eat Healthy – Live Healthy – Live Long
- The Heart and Circulatory System (graphic)
- Healthy Heart Habits For a Long, Vital Life (chart)
- Recommended Blood Chemistry Values
- You Have Nine Doctors at Your Command
Chapter 19: Doctor Sunshine
- Sunshine Brings Peace, Relaxation to Nerves
- Gentle Sun Rays are Soothing and Best
Chapter 20: Doctor Fresh Air
- Our Body is a Breathing Machine
- Deep Breathers Live Longer
- India’s Holy Men Practice Deep, Slow Breathing
- Deep Breathing – Secret of Endurance
Chapter 21: Doctor Pure Water
- The Water You Drink Can Make or Break Your Heart
- Most Ancient Healers Used Water Therapy
- How Our Body Uses Water
Chapter 22: Doctor Good Natural Food
- Healthy Foods Build and Maintain Your Body!
- Iodine from Kelp is Important
- The Effect of Good Food on the Brain
- Alcohol, Toxins and Drugs Are Killers!
- Refined, Processed Foods Produce Learning Disabled Children
- Most Young American Men Are Unfit
- American Adults are in a Sad Physical & Mental Condition
- Mental, Physical and Spiritual Rewards
- Healthy Eating is a Science!
Chapter 23: Doctor Fasting
Chapter 24: Doctor Exercise
- The Major Muscles of the Human Body (graphic)
- Exercise Normalizes Blood Pressure
- Walking for Health, Fitness and Life
- Walking – The King of Exercise
- The Importance of Abdominal Exercises
- Should You Exercise While Fasting?
- Iron Pumping Oldsters
- Amazing Strength Results in 8 Weeks
- Study Shows Fitness Improves Wellness
Chapter 25: Doctor Rest
- Check Your Mattress (graphic)
- Why Do We Rest?
- Rest Must Be Earned
- Life is Meant to be Enjoyed, Not Hectic & Rushed
- Mother Nature Knows What’s Best!
- Relax and Enjoy Your Life – It’s No Crime
- Some Relaxation Techniques
- Insomnia Will Vanish
Chapter 26: Doctor Good Posture
- Posture Chart (graphic)
- Take the Mirror Posture Test
- Bragg Posture Exercise
- Good Posture is Important For Health
- How to Sit, Stand and Walk for Strength, Youthfulness, Health
- Illness That Cannot Be Cured By Fasting, Cannot Be Cured
Chapter 27: Doctor Human Mind
- Brain Areas (graphic)
- Your Body, Your Precious Home – Protect It
- Correct Thinking Important for Health
- Your Mind Must Control Your Body!
- Drugs Control Addict’s Mind!
- Let Your Mind Guide You to Health!
- Miracle Rewards With Fasting
- Inner Spiritual Harmony is Important
Chapter 28: Spiritual Aspects of Fasting
- Fasting Gives Mental & Physical Awareness
- Great Spiritual Leaders Practiced Fasting
- My Unforgettable Experience with Gandhi
- Fasting Brings Spiritual Rebirth to All Who Cleanse
- The Grotto Where Jesus Fasted
- The Fast of 40 Days and 40 Nights
- A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
- Your Body is Your Temple and Needs the Best Care
- Take Time for 12 Things (list)
- The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle
Chapter 29: The Science of Eating for Super Health
- A Tropical Paradise for Health
- Eat Simple and Natural to Stay Healthy
- Organic Fruits – the Prize Food of Man (list)
- Nut and Seed List
- Organic Vegetables – The Purifiers and Protectors
- Natural Sweetening Agents
- Natural Oils
- Natural Whole Grains, Flours and Cereals
- Sample Health Menus
- Healthy Beverages (recipes)
- The Bragg Pep Drink
- Vegetable Protein Percentage (chart)
- Foods Naturally Rich in Vitamin E (chart)
- Phytochemicals Help Prevent Cancer (chart)
- Body Signs of Potassium Deficiency (chart)
- Avoid These Processed, Refined, Harmful Foods (list)
- The Miracles of Apple Cider Vinegar (list)
Chapter 30: Mother Nature Knows No Mercy
- Mother Nature Wants Us Clean & Healthy
- Which Kind of Person are You?
- Alternative Health Therapies
- Boron – Miracle Trace Mineral for Healthy Bones
- Miraculous Testimonials
- Index
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