Book - How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D
How to Raise a Healthy Child
In Spite of Your Doctor
by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD
Introduction - xi
Most Things Get Better by Morning -- 1
Why most childhood illnesses do not require medical treatment,
and needless treatment may do more harm than good
Parents and Grandparents Are Wiser than Doctors -- 6
Why you are a better guardian of your child's health
than your doctor is;
how to tell when your child is really sick;
how to know when to call a doctor
How Doctors Can Make Healthy Kids Sick -- 18
Shortcomings of pediatricians;
damage done by unnecessary treatment;
invalidity of standard growth charts;
why you should avoid routine
physical examinations and well-baby checkups
Protecting Your Children before They Are Born -- 30
Threats to your child's health before he is conceived,
during pregnancy, during labor, during delivery,
and in the hospital nursery
Proper Nutrition for Health and Growth -- 51
The importance of breastfeeding;
when to introduce solid foods;
the pre-adolescent diet;
why you should choose natural foods,
unprocessed and untainted by chemical additives
What You Should Expect of Your Child -- 63
Why comparisons of physical and behavioral development
don't make sense;
common parental concerns about physical
development and childhood behavior;
what you have the right to expect and what you don't
Fever: Your Body's Defense against Disease -- 73
Exploring the myths about fever;
what's "too high;" should fevers be controlled?;
fever and convulsions; fever and brain damage;
the value of fever in fighting disease
— Quick Reference Guide to Fever -- 86
Headache: Usually Emotional, but the Pain Is Real -- 89
Causes of headaches;
headaches as a symptom of disease;
what treatment to give;
when a doctor is needed
— Quick Reference Guide to Headaches -- 99
Mother, My Tummy Hurts! -- 102
Causes of abdominal pain;
when it requires treatment;
emotional causes;
allergies; appendicitis; poison
— Quick Reference Guide to Abdominal Pain -- 109
Coughs,. Sneezes, and Runny Noses -- 111
Facts about the common cold and influenza;
overtreatment of symptoms;
misuse of antibiotics for viral infections;
pneumonia; croup
— Quick Reference Guide to Coughs, Colds, and Influenza -- 120
The Mythical Menace of Strep Throat -- 123
Causes of sore throat;
misconceptions about strep,
rheumatic fever, and rheumatic heart disease;
beware of tonsillectomies
— Quick Reference Guide to Sore Throats -- 136
Earaches: Painful, Yes; Dangerous, Rarely -- 140
Treatment of ear infections;
objects in the ear; removing wax;
use of antibiotics, tympanostomy;
the once-feared mastoid;
relieving pain; when to see a doctor
— Quick Reference Guide to Earaches -- 151
Protecting Your Child's Vision -- 153
Value of periodic eye exams;
glasses for children;
crossed eyes; lazy eyes;
conjunctivitis; styes;
myths about eyes
— Quick Reference Guide to Eye Problems -- 160
Skin Problems: The Curse of Adolescence -- 162
Diaper rash; heat rash;
acne and Accutane; impetigo;
eczema; ringworm
— Quick Reference Guide to Skin Problems - 180
Skeletons in the Orthopedic Closet -- 183
Overtreatment of self-correcting conditions:
flat feet, bowed legs, knock-knees,
pigeon toes, congenital hip dysplasia,
scoliosis; myths about shoes
— Quick Reference Guide to Orthopedic Problems -- 189
Accidental Injuries: Medicine at Its Best -- 191
What to do when your child has an accident;
cuts and abrasions; burns;
head injuries; poisoning;
sprains, strains, and fractures;
choking; animal bites; frostbite;
automobile accidents; household safety precautions
— Quick Reference Guide to Accidental Injuries -- 210
— Household Safety Precautions -- 211
Asthma and Allergies: Try Diet, Not Drugs -- 213
Allergies as the cause of illness; types of allergies;
diagnosing allergic causes; use of elimination diets;
hazards of drugs used in treatment; controlling asthma
— Quick Reference Guide to Allergies -- 218
The Child Who Never Sits Still -- 220
Overdiagnosis of hyperactivity; dangers of drug treatment;
dietary control of overactivity;
sense and nonsense about learning disabilities;
the inadequacy of psychological and psychiatric counseling
Immunization against Disease: A Medical Time Bomb? -- 230
The risks of immunization;
is immunization beneficial and necessary?
when to seek treatment for childhood diseases;
symptoms and home treatment of chicken pox, mumps,
measles, rubella, whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever,
meningitis, tuberculosis, SIDS, poliomyelitis, infectious mononucleosis
Hospitals: Where Patients Go to Get Sick! -- 254
Why you should avoid hospitalization of your child if possible;
the frequency of hospital-caused illnesses;
the emotional trauma of hospitalized children;
how to protect your child in the hospital;
needless surgery
How to Select the Right Doctor for Your Child -- 260
The threat posed by an excess of pediatricians;
a doctor's psychological and financial incentives to overtreat patients;
the hallmarks of a competent, conscientious pediatrician
Author's References
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